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Johnny Northside self destructing? |
Several Years ago I had to file an eviction against a tenant who proved to be somewhat of a lunatic monster. After I had filed it, she (the tenant) yelled when she saw me and made all kinds of threats. She told me she was going to blow up the building (a six-plex), have me beat up and even poison my dog.
When we went to court, she appeared to be a soft spoken, disadvantaged tenant and told the judge that I had threatened to kill her! I stood up and started to say something but, the judge waved his finger at me and told me to sit down and I would get my turn. The tenant then told the judge that I told her I was going to poison her dog! Again, I jumped up but, the judge waved his finger again, motioning me to sit back down. She went on to tell the judge a number of lies and the judge just nodded sympathetically and said he was so sorry that had happened to her. I didn't know if I was more upset with the tenant for lying or the judge for believing her.
Finally, the judge asked her if she had anything further to say and she whimpered as she said, "No. Thank you. Bless you, Sir." I was going to be sick after seeing such a display. The judge turned to me and asked if I had anything to say. I grabbed the stack of files off the table and as I stood up, I said, "Your Honor, yes, I do!" But the judge fired back, "No you don't! Judgement for the Plaintiff.... Next case!"
I stood there in a confused daze and leaned over to the Bailiff and asked what just happened? He was smiling and said, "You just won." The judge snapped his fingers at me and had a sarcastic smirk on his face as we waved me over to him. Still confused, he said to me in a giddy voice, "This is your first time, isn't it??" I nodded my head, yes. What the judge said next is something that I will never forget and is among the best advice I have ever heard. He said,
"These people are nothing new to me. Its the same song and dance every time. People assume I am here to pass judgement but, i'm not. I am here to give them enough rope until they hang themselves...And they do it every time."I think of what that judge told me as I read about Johnny Northside aka John Hoff of Minneapolis (soon to be of Oklahoma but, tune in later for more on that). Today on his blog, he has published part TWENTY FOUR in his onslaught against attorney, Jill Clark. Hoff claims his attack against her is because, she has represented so many people in "his community" that has made his attempts to revitalize the neighborhood, more difficult. While he gloats about the Moore v. Hoff case that was overturned by the Appeals Court, the fact remains... Jill Clark was the prosecuting attorney who BEAT John Hoff in District Court court when the jury ruled against Hoff and he was hit with a $60,000 judgement. It is ironic because, up until the decision on the appeal was announced, Hoff went on a rant against Clark for nearly everything but, he didn't mention the "Blogosphere Trial of the Century" as he has named it. After the ruling was announced it seems he can't shut up about it. But... That's Johnny Northside.
His motto: "Do as I say! NOT as I do."The people who have commented online with the articles that covered the appeal ruling, have been generally supportive of Hoff for his defending the first amendment but, the overall attitude towards Hoff is... "Your act is getting old."
Johnny Northside has been given a lot of slack by the residents and city of Minneapolis (delinquent property taxes, TISH repairs not being completed as agreed and operating a rental unit without a rental license to name a few) and upon seeing the people's reaction to him after the ruling... Perhaps he has been given enough rope and so we wait. We wait as John Hoff prepares to hang himself.
We already seem to know your opinions. Hoff won. It was good for bloggers everywhere. You can now feel comfortable that if you publish true factual allegations, and make opinion representations clear from factual allegations, you can rely on the precedent the Moore/Clark attack against Hoff yielded, on appeal. Hoff did you a favor. Admit it.
Admit what? As I said in the previous post: "I have to agree with the Court of Appeals ruling as I believe the ruling protected free speech for everyone."
Hoff did NO ONE a "favor." John Hoff wanted to flex his "big monkey daddy" (his words) muscles and get someone fired out of spite. Some people call that being vindictive and THAT is the reason this issue found its way into court to begin with. I'm sorry but, I won't be thanking Hoff for being an asshole. Another blogger would have ended up getting the same ruling had Hoff not been a vindictive, hateful bloogger first. The articles I have been reading show comments that mirror that opinion.
So how about I thank the Appeals Court instead and thanks for reading.
Hoff won the case and it was a very narrow victory. Simply, all the case states is that if you publish a blog article about someone, and they loose their job over it, the blog post was free speech as long as you posted the truth.
The only reason the verdict was not affirmed by the Court of Appeals was due to the involvement of Don Allen, who acting in consort with John Hoff, sent information to the University of Minnesota to get Jerry Moore fired.
The Court said that the actions, as a whole, were so intertwined that they could not be separated.
It was not clear where the right to free speech started and ended. Since it was not clear they decided in favor of the defendant, Hoff.
If Hoff had acted alone, and Don Allen had no part in this case, Hoff surely would have lost.
That is what people should be gleaming from this decision.
Free speech is not absolute, and what Hoff does, using the internet to harass, intimidate, and defame people, is not protected speech.
Bloggers still need to use due diligence when blogging to avoid slandering people.
Johnny swingin wild Hoff is swearing and insulting Black people on the FaceBook page called NORTH TALK. See for yourself how agitated he appears. His Brotha from anotha Motha, Jeff meely mouth Skrenes who is a so-called and phony moderator there, asked him, so politely nearly on tip toes,to take it down a notch. If it had been a woman Jeff heinous anus Skrenes was moderating; she would have been booted and banned from the sight. All insider trading and favoritism from moderators on NORTH TALK.
I was just reading those comments on North Talk. I really didn't know that the northsiders really don't John Hoff or Megan Goodmundson. From what I was reading Megan got kicked out at one point because of her uncivil behavior.
There is a lot of negativism towards John Hoff. I thought the NoMi homies liked this guy. I guess I was wrong. They think he's an asshole just like everyone else.
I don't make this stuff up about him. He has made enemies everywhere he has gone and it is easy to find the proof online. It also seems that the friends he has had in the past do not last very long. Even current pal Jeff Skrenes has spoken on North Talk about him and to him about stepping over the line and going too far. Now with the appeals ruling, its only going to intensify on his part.
Well Skrenes seems to be burning his candle on both ends. While he now has the balls to publicly disagree with Hoff, as he did about Hoff's quest for voter rosters, Skrenes still won't approve truthful comments that express concern about Hoff's activities.
It is a great possibility that the only reason Hoff wants those voter rosters is so he can find info on Dehn supporters for the purpose of trashing them in his blog.
I fear Hoff would publish voter rosters the same manner he uses the jail rosters which is just to dig up dirt on people and publicly humiliate them.
I see an interesting trend on the North Mpls. Face Book Page, North Talk. More and more GUNS appearing in commenter header photos at the top of the page.
With all the wild talk from hollow braggarts like John micro slummer Hoff and other haters; this is not surprising. Now a guy blames an arson attack at the home of his elderly mother, on Lowry Ave. on the same type of hate speech that got John hate mouth gate mouth Hoff into trouble previously
John dirty Hoff is a miner of gold on the Internet. He finally found a target to attack on North Talk, a Face Book page, that would appear more radical and dirty than himself. He has gone all-in, breaking the rules of the page about 4 dozen times in one evening of him spewing hate speech against this straw man target de jour. The problem is that the goof he attacks, over and over, is simply trying to help his elderly and deaf mother who was the victim of last years tornado and currently some citizens lighting the torches of further hate on the little, old, and impoverished lady. A hate and fear and loathing that may have precipitated the arson of the old womans house yesterday night. And Johnny throw gasoline on a fire Hoff is stirring the pot as vigorously as he can; and he is vigorous. His Brotha from another Motha Jeff solemn but insider trader Skrenes is allowing Hoff through faint and feigned warnings as the faux moderator there. Warnings, noise and bluster, that matter nothing to Johnny hate speech Hoff at all.
Looks like everyone on North Talk got a showing of what John Hoff can be like when you disagree with him.
And the admin refuse to take action against him.
Skrenes is a WUS.
Judge Jeffry pussywookie Skrenes has passed judgement and sentenced John burnside Hoff to a 2 day suspension from North Talk. Oh and the sentence will commence the day before yesterday. Why is Jeffry kiss up kick down Skrenes going so easy on his buddy? Simple, he knows as well as anyone what happens to everyone that dissents from the bombastic ideology of John der sturmer Hoff.
John Hater Hoff had even set up a contest on Face Book which Jeffrey baby boy Skernes shut down without punishment, of course. Now I propose a contest: Who is more the Nazi Fascist swine and more dangerous to his community? John Heil Hitler Hoff or the guy he has been feasting on Tom Heil Hitler David? Hint: one goof was protecting his mother. The other goof would throw his mother under the Internet bus to promote his hate message.
Thank you, Anti Johnny, for this blog. Once, several years ago, I went to J. Northside's blog and I was rather horrified. He was going on about visiting the family of a young pregnant girl who was murdered. His visit was devoid of understanding and compassion, what I would expect from a sociopath. I think he is a stunted person, aggrandizing himself by picking on people who are very downtrodden. What you do on this blog is expose him as someone with a trail of lies, empty bragging, and ethically questionable and hypocritical behavior in his past. I think it is amusing that he continues to read your blog!! (Not that that will provide him with any insight into his own difficulties.) But because it is a blog about HIM, he can't resist it! Rich!
John wild and reckless Hoff is now posing as the voice of reason on the Face Book page called North Talk. Hoff is judging and analyzing Tom David, who was booted off the North talk page by the so-called admin, Jeff kiss up kick down Skrenes. Be careful, ye who disagree with the real fascists of North Mpls. If you disagree with Skrenes or Hoff they will come after you and your family, and your friends!
Just to provide an update:
North Talk (group on Facebook) moderator, Jeff Skrenes kicked Mr. David out of the North Talk group for his disrespectful comments ( the guy was openly a White Supremest), but he came up with an extremely lame and feeble excuse for not taking any action against racist John Hoff - Skrenes says he doesn't have access to a computer.
Seriously? That's Skrenes' reason?
Even though Mr. David has been banned from the group, Hoff continues to post degrading and uncivil comments about Mr. David, knowing full well his comments violate the forum rules, as he just came back from a 2 day suspension for his previous uncivil comments.
Apparently John Hoff thinks the North Talk blog is an extension of his Johnny Northside blog and he can say and do anything he wants.
Apparently Jeff Skrenes as moderator either doesn't have the balls, or has a conflict of interest and won't ban Hoff from the group.
The North Talk blog needs to be a place where people can feel free to express their opinions with fear of retaliation by the likes of John Hoff.
John Hoff has already shown the members of North Talk what he is capable of.
Is John Hoff's presence interfering with the open communications of North Talk?
Why won't Jeff Skrenes consequence John Hoff for his uncivil behavior?
Why won't the other moderators ban Hoff from the group?
North Talk members deserve answers, and the moderators need to provide them - NOW!
From NorthTalk FB::
"Well, people in extreme environments are known to turn to extreme political and social doctrines particularly in their teens and 20s when they're trying to figure everything out. Often marriage, parenthood, jobs and property ownership cause people to "mellow out" and become less extreme but not so in this case.
So it's very important to create safe and stable environments for people to grow up in because by the time they are in their late teens, their outlook in life is mostly determined. Heck, as far as brain development is concerned, most of our path in life is set by the time we're FIVE and is based on whether our parents talk to us a lot, interact with us, or just slap the heck out of us for minor infractions in the aisles of Walmart."
M Hoff was apparently talking about himself...
Jeff Skrenes says his computer died and he can only access the North Talk Facebook group from his office computer (or his phone).
HA! There's a laugh. No one is ever at the Hawthorne Neighborhood Council offices, and no one knows what Skrenes does when is he there.
Apparently, Neighborhood Revitalization Program money pays him to blog and moderate the North Talk group.
I really wish some TV station like KSTP would investigate how NRP money is squandered by these neighborhood groups.
Ya, Like John Hoff provides his son with a stable nurturing environment.
He goes off with his friends and leave the kid hiding under his bed in the middle of the night because he hears gunshots and is scared stiff.
He takes the boy riding around looking at prostitutes and calling them names.
He tells his son it's OK to buy stolen property from locals as long is it stays in the neighborhood, because he doesn't want the rich Kenwood residents to have it.
John Hoff is the poorest excuse for a parent, who has absolutely no idea how to provide his son with a stable environment.
As highlighted above, John get your drink on Hoff is good in the hood. He is living, and mentoring his son, in a Ghetto Fabulous style that does fit in perfectly with those other lawless types who are his neighbors there. He is just like the lawless types that he disparages over and over. Why can't more of his upside down and frightened neighbors recognize his game?
Is it possible that Don "Burn Down North High" Samuels has any knowledge or assosciation with a recent arson on Lowry Avenue?
"Burn Down North High. I mean burn it down" -Stated Don Samuels, in an interview with the press a few years ago.
John hearsay B.O. Hoff thinks he is a great wit; he is correct by Hoff.
John B.O. Jack Boots Hoff claims he is a "Blogger". What is the difference between a Hoff identity Blogger and a real and actual reporter, you ask?
John Hearsay B.O. Hoff Blogger, will reprint vital hearsay. In this case, what somebody reported to him regarding another mans alleged B.O. And likely without Hoff fact checking the offender armpit of, for privacy sake and until he is charged with B.O we only include the initials: Mr. P.R.
I am sure that farm report was handed off to him from one of his "high ranking" hush hush insider informants.
I have learned from my insider high ranking informant that John whiff and sniff blogger Hoff will go on a whiff and sniff ride along with his high ranking contact. Be sure to check Mr. P.R. crotch area too, Johnny backside Northside.if it is midnight you can yell WHORE out the window of the squad, too.
So John Hoff is blogging about how cheap it is to buy federal Court documents which he considers important to his blogging.
BUT he doesn't bother to pay his property taxes, which are important for the financial support of the City of Minneapolis.
Guess John Hoff doesn't really care about his community because he won't put his money where his mouth (or blogging) is.
What has John Hoff done for NoMi besides blog? Nothing.
Talk is cheap - just like John Hoff.
Talk is cheap - just like John Hoff- said anon.
John Piker Hoff went to court to reduce his child support from 50 bucks a month to ZERO PER MONTH. His proof, his ex-wife husband works and so the other guy should support his kid. See, he is a Blogger, and has not quite caught on yet. Get a job John dead beat dad Hoff and support your kid for a change.
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