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RIP Irving Inquisition |
The Irving Inquisition has been dormant now for the past four weeks. After the jury in the Moore v. Hoff case ruled Johnny Northside must pay $60,000 in damages, the other NoMi Blogs have either scaled way back with the number of posts or have literally stopped completely. Ok, there is the North by Northside blog still active but, Jeff Skrenes gives the skit "The Delicious Dish" of SNL fame a run for its money. The difference being, the skit is intentionally boring as hell.
Of course, the reasons for the II blog being dormant is merely my opinion but, as Johnny Northside would say... "FARE-THEE-WELL" !!!
jordan hawkman hasn't posted since march 17....
Wow! You are right!
Further proof that John's crack-tivist supporters continue to read the Northside Alliance Blogs.
Thanks for reading!
Jordan Hawkman is not a JNS supporter......
Hey anonymous 9:12:
Can you read, or are you a psycho like John Hoff? Jordan Hawkman clearly states in the blog that he/she is now working on articles for the Mpls Mirror.
Those of us that contributed to JHG, are now doing extensive research on John, Megan, and Jeff (not to mention Don Samuels, et al).
You'd be amazed on the actual buried dirt there is on Johnny Northside and his associates.
While JHG no longer blogs, the next chapter is in the works.
It will be well worth the wait.
Jeff Skrenes is not as clean a little hobbit as everyone thinks, and Megan Goodmundson is dirty as they come. And John Hoff...well he is a documented sociopath being investigated by higher authorities then us. No wonder, Hoff being the COWARD that he is, ran off to another state.
Anon 6:19,
Well said.
We are merely waiting for verification that John Hoff aka Johnny Northside, is currently located at Camp Shelby in Mississippi. Also being verified that John is scheduled to be deployed to Afghanistan in June.
Once we confirm his current status, a mail campaign to his commanding officers with information about his two active judgements and copies of his disability hearing proceedings, will be launched.
How would that differ from what John did to Jerry Moore? Information is one thing, attack is another.
Anon 7:56
Can you be more specific? I don't know what point you are trying to make and who you are actually defending?
It doesn't matter who 746am is actually defending. They are asking how would "mail campaign to commdanding officers" be any different than writing about Jerry more and UROC finding out. (No proof that John contacted UROC - it was Don Allen who admittedly contacted UROC)
Ok we are talking about different things. I was referring to John writing bullshit letters to the prison with the intent of making life more difficult for my friend. The only reason he did that was to attempt to force me to back off with my posting about John's past. Since he has nothing he can threaten me with, he goes after my friend with attempted classic blackmail. He has the low life mentality of a kidnapper. You know... "Give me what I want or someone you care about gets hurt."
However, with the letters to his CO's and others in his chain of command, I am not making any demands nor am I threatening to make life miserable for anyone he "might" care about.
The link to the full story about John's letter writing is on the right side of this blog near the top.
Wow. What's with the deleting of comments? This is just like what happened on the trainwreck knows as JHG.
I figured someone would get their panties in a wad.
However, last night and into early this morning, Blogger was down for any editing and when it came back up this morning, content that was added in the last few days was gone.
I do have copies of all the comments in my email archive but, I don't think the content that vanished is worth the hassle of copying it and pasting it.
Why don't you start a signature rally?
Wow. You are sounding and acting more like your nemesis every day.
Wow, anyone with half a brain can research "what happened to Blogger" in Google and find a ton of threads devoted to the past couple of days about the commenting section screwing up things for Blogger, so all after 7:30 (Thursday night or whatever) were removed by Blogger. I did so after seeing 9 comments on this very post but getting a glaring "Blogger is unavailable" message when I tried to read them.
Anon 10:31...
Hardly. The list of differences is far too long to begin to go into. Especially for the benefit of some putz like you.
Hey! Long time no see. Glad to see you are still around. I talked to your landlord a few weeks ago... Nice guy.
How is your son doing?
Old JNS might have to move as his house is not up to code and the Inspections Department is finally doing somehting about it!
Anon 11:56...
With the hot off the press news that Johnny Northside is in Mississippi "serving" with the National Guard (by "serving" I assume he is "serving" is usual bullshit to anyone who gets trapped listening to his crap).
Sorry, where was I?
Oh yeah, if he is now training as an "active" military member, his house sits empty. Wait! His house has a guy living there and THAT MEANS... John Hoff has rented his house out AND at last check, he does NOT have a rental license!!!
OOPS! Maybe Meggie "the Mouth's" parents can bail their future son-in-law's ass out of the trouble he will be in with the city?
50 to 1 says that John turns on his 'ol buddy, Councilman Don Samuels because Samuels won't take John's side on this one.
I can assure you, I'm no putz. The cavalier attitude of being able to but not wanting to expend the effort pasting lost comments, the threats that you are going to write his CO's to get him in trouble and the fact that you diminish me calling me a putz simply for observing that your posts have been creeping closer to the behavior we all detest- you've sort of proved my observation in your response. Just call me a troll now and delete my comment. I think Johnny is a giant cockstain and agree his behavior is FAR worse, but the last couple posts on this blog have been sort of douchey. Just sayin'.
You can "assure" me? Ok... How?
Since you comment anonymously, you have no identity. You could be anybody but, until you identify yourself... You are nobody. "Just sayin'"
Ironic in a way because, you have sort of proved my observation about you with your comments.
You say my behavior is getting closer and closer to how John is but, I will point out two glaring differences that set us apart (and there are others).
1- I don't attack people or groups of unpopular people or issues as John does. L3SO's for example. John did it because, he knew no one would defend them, he could get a lot of mileage from making issues over them and if anyone actually stood up for a L3SO, it is like a license to kill for John to attack the defender.
Other than John and his dwindling group of supporters, this blog has been and will continue its sole purpose... Notifying the public of the dangers of John Hoff.
2- I don't live in NoMi or even in Minnesota. I am not personally involved with local politics or anything else. I am easy to make go away if a person wishes. All they have to do is not read this blog. This blog, is the only place I exist to anyone from NoMi.
John is a real-life, flesh and blood menace to everyone who lives in NoMi. He is the one you have to watch out for, not me.
I commented anonymously because I don't care to expose my identity for various reasons. I wasn't saying you were a carbon copy of John, I was just calling you out on some comments. Geesh, don't be so touchy! Not everything has to be a fight. I'm on your side here, buddy. Relax.
The other day Blogger had a meltdown and when the edit feature came back up, several comments were wiped out as a result.
So, to humor the Anon commenter, I have copied those comments from my email notifications and am posting them again.
Note: I can't re-publish comments I made because, Blogger does not send me notification for comments submitted by me.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
Jordan Hawkman is not a JNS supporter......
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
Jordan Hawkman is not a JNS supporter......
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
Hey anonymous 9:12:
Can you read, or are you a psycho like John Hoff? Jordan Hawkman clearly states in the blog that he/she is now working on articles for the Mpls Mirror.
Those of us that contributed to JHG, are now doing extensive research on John, Megan, and Jeff (not to mention Don Samuels, et al).
You'd be amazed on the actual buried dirt there is on Johnny Northside and his associates.
While JHG no longer blogs, the next chapter is in the works.
It will be well worth the wait.
Jeff Skrenes is not as clean a little hobbit as everyone thinks, and Megan Goodmundson is dirty as they come. And John Hoff...well he is a documented sociopath being investigated by higher authorities then us. No wonder, Hoff being the COWARD that he is, ran off to another state.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
How would that differ from what John did to Jerry Moore? Information is one thing, attack is another.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
It doesn't matter who 746am is actually defending. They are asking how would "mail campaign to commdanding officers" be any different than writing about Jerry more and UROC finding out. (No proof that John contacted UROC - it was Don Allen who admittedly contacted UROC)
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "After Effects of Hoff's "Trial of the Century"":
Hi anonymous 6:19. No, I'm not a psycho. Quite harsh with the name calling; do you always jump to such conclusions with a seven word post? I'm sorry for you if you do make such hasty judgements!
I was rather saddened that you hadn't posted in so long; I find your information interesting. Your last posting is not clear that you will would quit posting on that site. Maybe some clarity in your writing abilities would have assisted in my not making the previous statement. Thanks for the clarity and I wish you luck with the Mpls Mirror. Be well.
Well, I guess I can see the benefit of not being anonymous. I wasn't the same anon implying the conspiracy and while I think I've made my point, I'll pick a name to differentiate my comments. Pla-dow!
Hey Anti-Johnny. Thanks for keeping folks honest here in NoMi! It's a relief to see that there is sanity in the world! I'm interested to follow your blog to see what John Hoff is up to. I wonder...
For what it's work, my very well worded anti-John Hoff comment got deleted in the technical snafu. I did not realize this until today because I have been rather busy. But I do know that I tried to post a follow-up comment around the 12th and I received a blogger message that blogger was in "read only" mode.I have absolute confidence that anti-johnny did not delete any comments.
This is a far cry from what John "COWARD" Hoff does in his blog where he and Megan refuse to publish comments that berate them, and they both delete comments that speak poorly of them.
John Hoff is a sociopath and a degenerate who belongs in a locked mental health ward.
What kind of person,who manages a blog anonymously, threatens women and children? Your little comment to La Vie En Rose really showed alot of courage. That is exactly why you remain anonymous. You do it because someone might locate you and show you what happens when you threaten women and children. Stay anonymous for your own safety. You will be extending youe existence whether you deserve to or not. Guarantee.
In response to Anon 9:50
The comments are totally baffling to me. Going on about managing a blog anonymously and threatening women & children.... WHAT? HUH?
Sorry but, if you honestly don't know my identity, you must be a half-baked cowchip.
My comment to La Vie En Rose was a nice greeting. Apparently you have not been to any of the other nomi blogs where she had been a regular commenter.
Do some basic homework before you run off your mouth on this blog.
Seriously... If "Stupid" had a city limits... It would be around YOU.
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